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Fase Factory Creates Conceptual-Street Style with a Modern Twist

For the best in street-casual fashion, Italian-made Fase Factory is high on the list of new brands to watch. At once simple with a modern edge, and sports-inspired, the Spring/Summer ’18 Collection is everything. With 45 distinct pieces ranging from menswear, to women swear, to unisex, you can expect something for everyone — fitness looks, casual looks, and fashion looks. The garments are ultimately modern but have an essence of old-school charm, with a cool and classic color palette of black, white, red, and blue. If you’ve got your eye on fashion trends, you certainly won’t be disappointed with this brand’s nod to the contemporary, but its unique taste will keep your closet refreshingly one-of-a-kind.

Fase Factory Creates Conceptual-Street Style with a Modern Twist

Fase Factory Creates Conceptual-Street Style with a Modern Twist

Fase Factory Creates Conceptual-Street Style with a Modern Twist

Fase Factory Creates Conceptual-Street Style with a Modern Twist

Fase Factory Creates Conceptual-Street Style with a Modern Twist

Fase Factory Creates Conceptual-Street Style with a Modern Twist

Fase Factory Creates Conceptual-Street Style with a Modern Twist

Fase Factory Creates Conceptual-Street Style with a Modern Twist

Fase Factory Creates Conceptual-Street Style with a Modern Twist

Fase Factory Creates Conceptual-Street Style with a Modern Twist

Fase Factory Creates Conceptual-Street Style with a Modern Twist

Fase Factory Creates Conceptual-Street Style with a Modern Twist

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